
Volunteers are the heart of our organization!! Generously donated labour helps keep our doors open so that we can sustain PEDAL programming and offer ongoing support to members of our community. Volunteering at Our Community Bikes is a great way to get involved with a local non-profit, learn bike mechanics, and build cycling and communication skills.

Volunteer Orientation


Completing our Volunteer Orientation is the first step to volunteering with us. Please submit our Volunteer Application Form to tell us some information about yourself and let us know why you’re interested. 

Join our mailing list for ongoing updates and future orientation dates. Example newsletter here.

If you have any questions, please email Cavan at volunteer@ourcommunitybikes.org.

Volunteer Shop


Thursday 7:30pm - 9:30pm & Sunday 2pm - 6pm

Come to OCB, strip some bikes, process donations or work on other shop projects. Registration required after completing our Volunteer Orientation.

Wheel night


2nd Wednesday & Thursday of each month 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Help us manage the wheel pile by overhauling hubs and truing wheels. Registration required after completing our Volunteer Orientation.

Pftp mechanics Training


This 16-week bicycle mechanics course guides participants through the process of fully refurbishing a used bicycle. Refurbished bikes are distributed for free through our Pedals for the People program. Courses are for current volunteers and run a couple of times per year. Preference will be given to individuals underrepresented in the industry. Accommodations can be made for access needs. Course openings are sent to the volunteer mailing list.

PFTP Build Shift


Sundays 10am - 12pm and 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Refurbish bicycles for people facing financial barriers. This opportunity is for those who have completed our mechanics training program or who know how to put a complete bike together, but may still require support with adjustments and fine tuning. Registration required after completing our Volunteer Orientation.

Women/Trans/Queer Night Support


See more info about WTQ nights here. We are looking for volunteers who identify as WTQ to support with these evenings. Email our volunteer@ourcommunitybikes.org to get started!

Drivers & online posting Support


Volunteer drivers help us pick up bicycles from community donations and move bikes between locations. Support is also needed to assist with online posting of sale bicycles and premium parts. If Craigslist or Pinkbike are your jam and you're game to help us there please let us know by sending an email to info@ourcommunitybikes.org.


Our Community Bikes is situated on the traditional, unceded territories of the Musqueam, Tsleil-Waututh, and Skxwú7mesh Nations. We are privileged to be here and are committed to the ongoing care of these lands with our host nations.

safer spaces

We strive to create an environment where all people feel safe, included and respected. Before using our services, please read our Community Agreement.

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